Alabastri di Rex
The hedonist spirit of Rex finds confirmation in the Alabastri, the absolute protagonists of a “cover page” space.
Dazzling brightness, important graphics, strong colors and brave stylistic choices are the ingredients of this collection, reinterpreted by Rex in line with the most popular international design trends.
Available Sizes
160×320 cm
120×240 cm
120×120 cm
80×80 cm
80×180 cm
80×240 cm
60×120 cm
Decoro puzzle 160×160 cm
Modulo muretto sfalsato 7,5×15 30×30 cm
Mosaico 3×15 30×30 cm
Mosaico 3d 3×3 30×30 cm
Mosaico 7,5×7,5 30×30 cm
THICKNESS 10,00 mm / 6,00 mm
SURFACES* Shiny Glossy
Alabastri di Rex – Madreperla
Alabastri di Rex – Miel
Alabastri di Rex – Bamboo
Alabastri di Rex – Smeraldo
Alabastri di Rex – Zaffiro
Alabastri di Rex – Fumee